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Why Does An Ultrasound Matter if I’m Considering Abortion?

While an ultrasound may seem like a waste of time if you’re planning to terminate your pregnancy, ultrasounds provide critical information that determines your eligibility for an abortion.

If you go through a medical or surgical procedure without learning more about your pregnancy through an ultrasound, you could be at increased risk for complications.

Continue reading to learn more about how ultrasounds work in order to make the best-informed decision about your pregnancy and ensure your health and safety.

What is an Ultrasound Scan?

Ultrasound is a technology that uses sound waves to display a picture of the inside of your uterus. This picture allows your healthcare provider to learn more about your pregnancy. There are three specific details an ultrasound provides.

3 Details Provided by an Ultrasound:

1. Viability

An ultrasound must detect a fetal heartbeat for a pregnancy to be viable (growing).

Experts estimate that 26% of all pregnancies end in natural miscarriage. If there is no heartbeat, you may have miscarried. An abortion is unnecessary, and you may need additional medical advice as you prepare to pass the pregnancy.

2. Age

The gestational age (how far along you are in your pregnancy) is an essential factor when determining your eligibility for an abortion. Your period is not an accurate estimate of how many weeks you have been pregnant. According to the FDA, pregnancies beyond 10 weeks are not approved for the abortion pill. If gestational age is not verified and you take the pills beyond that, you will be at risk for significant side effects.

 3. Location

After the egg is fertilized, it travels down the fallopian tube and implants in the lining of the uterus. However, in the case of an ectopic pregnancy, the pregnancy implants outside the uterus.

An ectopic pregnancy requires immediate medical intervention, and an abortion would not be an effective form of treatment and could also cause additional complications.

Get a No-Cost Pre-Abortion Consultation

Confirming your pregnancy with a lab-quality pregnancy test and then receiving a follow-up ultrasound scan is critical to learning more about your pregnancy options.

Options Care Center provides a no-cost, confidential pre-abortion consultation. As part of your consultation, you receive no-cost, confidential pregnancy and STI testing and an ultrasound if the nurse determines it is safe for you. After learning more about your pregnancy, our trained staff can answer your questions and provide you with support resources.

Although we do not perform or refer for abortion, we strive to provide a judgment-free environment where you feel comfortable navigating your next steps.

Contact us today for your confidential appointment.